Knights of Columbus - About the Council
I hope all is well with you and your families.... I would like to share how proud I am of our Brothers and our Council. Our Brothers have stepped up this year to assist at our various events / activities, donated funds to our partners, assisted our Parish at respective Masses in various ways, helped fundraise for our Council, assisted our community in various ways, and helped support our Council in any way they could. I would like to humbly thank each and every one of you that assisted our Council in any way. We are blessed to be able to make a difference in our Parish, our local community and in the lives of many in our community.
I would also like to take this time to thank you for your generosity in donating funds to assist our partners. Our Council typically donates to charitable organizations that we partner with and assist annually. This year, we decided to give our Brothers the opportunity to personally donate funds through our Council once again to assist our partner organizations any way we can, especially in this challenging time we are in.
I would like to outline some of the Councils' recent accomplishments / contributions this year :
- MiraVia- the Council has generously donated to our partner for their Outreach Program this year; their gratitude was truly inspirational. Our contact person at MiraVia was very grateful to our Council for our donation. MiraVia is a Catholic non-profit local organization that serves pregnant women regardless of their economic, social, religious, racial or ethnic background. The organization respects and affirms life from the moment of conception. In the past, our Council has also provided support by selling roses after Masses on Mothers' Day weekend.
Church of God Children's Home / Orphanage (Kannapolis)- our Council has generously donated to our partner for their respective program of assisting children. This worthwhile organization is a private, non-profit, Christian agency that provides a positive and safe environment for hurting,abused,neglected, and at risk children (4-21 years of age) placed privately by the NC Dept of Social Services (DSS). They are committed to meeting the physical,mental,social,and spiritual needs of hurting children.
Our contact person at the Orphanage was very grateful to our Council for our donation and the donation of 7 turkeys as well from our Thanksgiving Food Drive. The funds and turkeys were delivered personally; we wanted to emphasize the personal touch.
The Salvation Army Homeless Shelter (Concord)- our Council has generously donated to our partner for their respective program of assisting homeless men and women. The Shelter is committed to using funds locally to support vital programs to help those that need it. Our contact person at the Shelter was very grateful to our Council for our donation; the funds were delivered personally; we wanted to emphasize the personal touch.
St. James Parish- our Council has generously donated to our parish and also gifts to our parish priests (Fr. Glenn, Fr. Dau, Fr. Oscar). We are honored to be able to show our appreciation and love to our parish family, our parish office staff for their support, and to our parish priests. The funds were delivered personally; we wanted to emphasize the personal touch.
LAMB- our Council has fundraised a considerable amount for this worthwhile program to assist our local Cabarrus County Special Education program on an annual basis. We will hopefully be able to donate a generous amount this year; considering the various challenges we have had this year once again. Our contacts at the Cabarrus County Special Education program are extremely grateful to our Council for our donation; we are honored to be able to assist.
Michael J. Memorial Foundation Fund / Mikes' Bikes- our Council has generously donated to our partner for their respective program of providing bikes to local children for Christmas. We also provided transportation assistance for the bikes from the local Walmart to our Parish for distribution to local children at Christmas. We are honored to be able to assist the organization every year; Mike is grateful for our Councils' assistance.
Thanksgiving Food Drive- our annual Food Drive helped collect over 125 turkeys,hams, and all of the trimmings. The generosity of our Brothers and fellow parishioners was gratifying; also many Brothers assisted in the collection and distribution of food for respective families. We held the food distribution on November 22nd.
Council / Parish CCM Food Drive- we were humbled, honored, & glad to host and sponsor 2 Mobile Food Drives with CCM (Cabarrus County) . We helped over 500 people in our community this year with the respective Mobile Food Drives...
Council Blood Drives- our Council conducted 4 successful Blood Drives, saving lives in our community and assisting local blood banks. Our Blood Drives typically had 35- 40 donors per Drive (helping 120+ people); we are grateful to be assisting our community in this way. Thank you to Brother George for coordinating the Blood Drives, Brothers Joe & Gary for their assistance, and for the Brothers and parishioners who have donated.
Gift baskets to widows of Deceased Brothers / Brothers that are ill or hospitalized- our Council purchased and personally delivered gift / fruit baskets to widows of our Deceased Brothers and Brothers that are ill or hospitalized (started last year). We want to show them we care and think about them, and are there for them. Thank you to Brother Steve for his awesome assistance in delivering the gift baskets.
Bereavement Service Program (new) - we launched our Bereavement Service Program to provide assistance to the widowed ladies of our Deceased Brothers; we have also extended the program to any Brother that may be ill or hospitalized and may need our assistance.
Big Brothers / Big Sisters (Cabarrus County)- our Council will be working with this worthwhile organization as a future partner to continue our Community Outreach in this aspect and in many other ways. Our Council has also generously donated to our new partner for their respective program.
Council Fundraising- Council Car Show- Our K of C # 7450 Car Show was successful (all participants were satisfied & mentioned that they were glad that they joined us at our Show)... also thanks to our Brothers that assisted & enjoyed our Car Show and to our parishioners that joined us for a fun event!!
In an added wonderful addition to the strong relationship our GK has initiated with the Mustang Car Club (Wrecking Crew) and its president, the Club has graciously committed to attend our monthly Council Breakfasts as a show of support.
MNF books- books have been sold out- thanks very much to all who purchased a book and for the brothers that coordinated the raffle.
Council # 7450 Breakfast- our Council has recently started hosting our monthly Breakfasts once again. Our parishioners have joined us for successful Council Breakfasts- strong attendance by our parishioners! Also, our Brothers and Columbiettes have stepped up to assist- great comradery! We thank all who joined us, our Brothers & Columbiette Sisters that worked hard to make it happen & look forward to our next Council Breakfasts in 2022 !
Council Family Celebration / Outing - our Council had a fun day with our families at Frank Liske Park in Concord. Thanks to all that attended and enjoyed the day with our Brothers & their families... Great comradery!
Council assistance for our Parish Celebration/Picnic - we were honored, blessed & humbled to assist our Parish with this fun & joyful celebration... we cooked over 400 burgers & over 500 hot dogs for the celebration & were thanked by many parishioners for our service to the community and for our contribution to the Parish celebration. We were humbled by Fr. Jerome's expression of gratitude to our Council and appreciated his recognition of our efforts.
Brothers Gustavo & Lee – assisted with the Faith booth providing rosaries and prayer pamphlets to our parishioners / Brother Dave G.- assisted with entertainment to our parish youth…
Council assistance ("neighbor to neighbor")- our Brothers assisted other fellow Brothers (we always try to be there for each other), building ramps for our Brothers (critical needs) and assisting in many different ways. Thanks to Brother Gerard for coordinating the ramp building efforts and to our other Brothers who have assisted in any way.
Life Chain - the annual Life Chain was successful with a good showing of parishioners and Brothers. Thanks to all that participated in this important part of our Faith.
Council # 7450 Soccer Challenge- our Council hosted our annual Council & District Soccer Challenge. All parish youth that joined us and our Community Service Program Team (Blas, Floriberto, Eduardo, Edgar, Luis, & Joe) had a fun time competing & also enjoyed a soccer game afterwards. Thanks to all who joined us for this successful event for our parish youth.
Council Membership increase- our Council welcomed 15 new Brothers and 6 Brothers who transferred into our Council Family this year. Our parish bulletin posting and strong interest from our Parish gentlemen (mainly) and a membership drive- were the catalysts that helped us recruit our new Brothers that have been active in our Council Family (our GK makes sure to keep in touch with our new Brothers as well as our other Brothers). Thanks to the Exemplification & Membership Teams for assisting in welcoming our Brothers to our Family.
Council Outreach to our Brothers and parishioners- our Council has once again initiated a groceries and meds pick up for our Brothers and fellow parishioners since the Pandemic started, to assist any families in need or families that would like to use this service our Council is providing.
Honorary members- our Council would like to honor our Honorary and Honorary Life members with a fellowship luncheon in the near future.
As always, please feel free to contact me anytime. Our Council has had an active and strong start to the fraternal year and is looking forward to continuing our good works to our fellow Brothers, our Parish, and our community in the upcoming year. Also, I just wanted to send the attached to give you an idea of a few of the community outreach programs we have and the vital partnerships that we have. We take pride in assisting our Parish and community in any way we can.
I hope that you and your families have a blessed, safe, and healthy Christmas and New Year.
God Bless you and your families.
Joe Amodeo
Grand Knight
K of C # 7450
# 845-234-8631
Official Publication of Council 7450 - Knights of Columbus