Children's Faith Formation

Faith Formation Registration will be open from April 1st-June 30th.

Click on the link below to access the registration:

English Registration:


Spanish Registration:


*Registration for Year 2 Confirmation Students ONLY






Grades PK- 5

PreK – Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
This Level 1 course is for children ages 3-6; those who are three need to be potty-trained.  Founded by Dr. Cavalletti, a Hebrew scholar, its lessons are based upon an adapted form of the Montessori Method. Each child is encouraged to develop initiative and inner discipline while learning about the Bible and the Mass, as well as prayers.

Elementary 1-5
Traditionally faith formation for your child begins in first grade.  New to this year’s program, we are introducing Finding God:  Our Response to God’s Gifts by Loyola Press.  Finding God provides many varied components to engage children and their families in learning their faith through authentic teachings that are both founded in tradition and yet presented with relevancy establishing a lifelong and prayer-centered relationship with God. 

Finding God, along with our parishes Elementary catechists, will present a complimentary combination of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Scripture, Prayer, Catholic Social Teaching and Sacred Art to enhance each child’s learning and understanding.

First Reconciliation/First Communion Preparation
As requested by the Diocese, St. James implements a two-year process for sacramental preparation.  This means that students who anticipate making their First Reconciliation and First Communion in 2nd grade must complete Year 1 (1st grade).  Additional information may be found on the Sacrament menu tab under the First Communion tab.   

Classes are offered:
Wednesdays, 4:15- 5:30 p.m.
Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30 p.m.                                                                                                                                                                                             Thursdays, 5:30-6:45p.m.

For Children's (PK-5) Faith Formation questions or First Reconciliation/First Communion Preparation questions, contact Kitty McIndoe, 704-720-0600x730 or