First Communion
First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation
First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation does require two full years of religious education to be successfully completed to receive the sacraments. It is a two-year process therefore, a student must have completed 1st grade successfully to enroll in 2nd grade (Year 2) of First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation.
Students in Year 1 must complete a full year of 1st grade. Mass attendance to Sunday Masses and Holy Days of Obligation are required (even when on vacation and out of town).
Year 2 consists of attending faith formation and actual First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation classes (listed in First Reconciliation/First Communion Handbook) along with the continuation of attending Mass and Holy Days of Obligation, First Reconciliation Retreat and First Communion Retreat, Rehearsal and actual celebration of First Eucharist. Second grade parental involvement in the Sacramental Retreats is not only required, but vital to sustaining the sacraments meaning of community initiation and baptism promises.
For questions regarding First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation, contact Kitty McIndoe at 704-720-0600 ext.730 or